Smart & sustainable cities applications

Air quality monitoring in cities

Know the quality of the air your citizens breathe with accurate street-by-street data.

More than 50% of the world’s population lives and works in urban areas. At Airscan we believe that clean air is a fundamental human right. Therefore protecting the health of citizens is an essential responsibility of any government. In order to make the right decisions and develop effective environmental policies reliable real-time data is necessary.

Benefits of urban air quality monitoring:

  • Take actions to improve the quality of life and health of its citizens.
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of your city
  • Protect health and thus reduce healthcare costs.
  • Increase environmental awareness among residents.
  • Promote new forms of sustainable mobility.
  • Increase your city’s attractiveness to tourists.
  • Enhance your city’s ability to attract talent, innovation and investment.

Applications in cities:

  • Roadside traffic & mobility.
  • Low Emission Zone (LEZ) deployments.
  • New traffic circulation plans
  • Reliable and accurate pollution monitoring.
  • Real-time data at a hyper-local scale.
  • Complement the measurements from official reference stations.
  • Detection of pollution hotspots.
  • Identification of pollution-emitting sources.
  • Prevent pollution episodes by alerting when thresholds are exceeded.

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