Airscan ISO 17025 Accredited

2023 was an excellent year for Airscan. Not only because we spread our wings internationally but also because we achieved a major milestone in improving the quality of our services.  

Today we are very proud to announce that Airscan has been officially accredited by BELAC for the ISO/IEC 17025:2017standard: a national and international standard for laboratories fostering confidence in the results of performed sampling and analysis.  

Delivering high quality services has been one of the key objectives of Airscan since day one. Obtaining the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation is a recognition of  Airscan’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards for its management system, structural organization and operational processes.  

“It was amazing to see the positive evolutions and improvements we have made throughout this accreditation journey,” says Jérome De Waele, managing director of Airscan, “we all work really hard to offer the best service to our clients, this accreditation provides extra credibility and is a great acknowledgment of our efforts.” 

Image 1: The ISO17025 accreditation takes Airscan’s services to the next level.

Green Building Certifications

Moreover, in an era where the importance of sustainability and clean air becomes more obvious each day, Airscan sees the growing importance of Green Building certifications, such as BREEAM, Well and LEED. With this accreditation, Airscan proves it’s a trustworthy partner for Real Estate clients by complying with the accreditation requirements of certain certification schemes.   

Discover the full scope of the ISO/IEC 17025:107 accreditation on the Belac website. Airscan intends to further expand the scope of its accreditation in the future.  


Are you in the process of getting a green building certification such as BREEAM of WELL? Contact us! 

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Airscan obtient l’accréditation ISO 17025

Airscan célèbre une année 2023 couronnée de succès avec une expansion internationale et l’obtention de l’accréditation BELAC pour ISO/IEC 17025:2017, reconnaissant leur engagement à fournir des services de haute qualité. L’accréditation renforce la crédibilité et positionne Airscan comme un partenaire de confiance pour les clients de l’immobilier qui poursuivent des certifications de bâtiments écologiques.