An innovative label for air quality in buildings

The Sense And Nonsense Of A CO2 Meter

During the pandemic, air quality proved more important than ever before and CO2 meters are suddenly seen everywhere. But is this enough? Can these meters really guarantee air quality as safe and healthy, also in the long term? The Belgian company Airscan, in collaboration with inspection company Vinçotte, developed a label that guarantees air quality and makes it measurable, resulting in energy and cost savings. Moreover, the label also allows compliance with the requirements of the recently announced ventilation plan of Minister Frank Vandenbroucke.

Providing Assured Safety

Airscan is committed to improving the health, well-being and sustainability of society, by measuring and improving air quality. “The Airscanned Building label informs visitors, tenants and employees about the measures taken to create safe and healthy indoor air quality,” says Jérôme De Waele, CEO of Airscan. “The label is an important step forward whereby organizations make their commitment known and also have it verified by an independent third party. With the current regulations, that is sometimes questionable.”

He tells of stores where the CO2 meter indicated a value of 200 PPM (Parts Per Million) while on earth it should be at least 400 PPM. Or restaurants where the CO2 meter was turned off when the value went above the threshold of 900 PPM. “Incorrect equipment and lack of transparency give a false sense of security. With this label and the underlying protocol, Airscan offers certainty with the validation of a third party, namely inspection company Vinçotte,” says Jérôme De Waele. “Moreover, Airscan is not only about communicating transparently about air quality. We also provide an initial diagnosis, action plans and technology for improvement, a predictive simulation, permanent monitoring and possibility for a smart control of ventilation or air purification system.”

Energy And Cost Savings For Free

Air quality not only affects health, it also impacts the climate and the wallet. “By ventilating optimally, 15 to 20% energy can be saved. With positive consequences for the planet and the energy bill that are certainly welcome given the current circumstances,” says Jérôme De Waele.

Transparency And Communication Are Key

“Transparency is very important to us. We offer this by making real-time air quality visible to all users of rooms and buildings via dynamic screens and QR codes. Long-term air quality monitoring, action plans and reports are also made publicly visible on the Airscan platform.”  

About Airscan

Airscan is a spin-off of the climate consulting firm CO2 Logic, it’s mission is to improve the health, well-being and sustainability of our society. It does this by measuring and improving indoor and outdoor air quality. To this end, Airscan has in-depth expertise and innovative technologies for measuring and improving air quality. Airscan always works according to the principle of “Business at the service of people and planet, not the other way around”.

About Vinçotte

Vinçotte is the largest Belgian inspection, control and certification company and offers more than 220 services in the field of inspection, certification, conformity assessment and training. Some 2,000 employees work hard every day to make society safer, more efficient and more sustainable. From sites in Benelux, Vinçotte carries out more than 5,000 inspections every day for multinationals, SMEs, the self-employed and private individuals. Vinçotte operates in various sectors including the manufacturing industry, (petro)chemicals, pharmaceuticals, energy, automotive, food, construction, etc. and is part of the Kiwa Group. Kiwa (part of SHV family of companies) together with Vinçotte employs 10,000 people in offices in more than 40 countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific, North and Latin America.

Press Contact

Airscan: Jérôme De Waele, Managing Director,, +32474978399

Vinçotte: Wim Meulders, Head of Marketing and External Communication,, +32 473 13 20 26

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