Airscan Certified B Corporation

We are very proud to announce that Airscan, together with her sister companies CO2logic and Greentripper, is one of the very first environmental consulting firms to be certified B-Corp in Belgium.

Certified B corporations (B corps) meet the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. Business as a force for good is the primary target of B-corp certified companies. As of 2020, there are almost 4000 B corps in 150 industries and 74 countries around the world. B Corporation Certification helps consumers identify companies with a mission and helps investors select investments that align with their values!

By gaining the B Corp certificate, we aim at building a more inclusive and sustainable economy by using business as a force for good. We shall keep working with full commitment to environmental, social, and economic impact.

Reaching this goal would be impossible without our customers and partners. Therefore, we would like to thank you for trusting Airscan!

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Metro station of Brussels

Air Quality Across Different Brussels Metro Stations

With its intricate network of metro stations, Brussels serves as a crucial artery for daily commuters and tourists alike.

The quality of air within these subterranean hubs remains a pressing concern. In this blog post, we dive deeper into the air quality across various metro stations in Brussels, focusing on the concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10—two of the most harmful pollutants to human health…

Online Airscan Platform

Airscan Launches Air Quality Campaign in Brussels

From the 1st to the 14th of February, Airscan launched an air quality campaign in Brussels. For two weeks, air quality was measured at 8 different locations in the same number of municipalities of the capital. With this campaign, Airscan wants to shed light on the importance of clean air, especially in a busy city such as Brussels.

Airscan obtient l’accréditation ISO 17025

Airscan célèbre une année 2023 couronnée de succès avec une expansion internationale et l’obtention de l’accréditation BELAC pour ISO/IEC 17025:2017, reconnaissant leur engagement à fournir des services de haute qualité. L’accréditation renforce la crédibilité et positionne Airscan comme un partenaire de confiance pour les clients de l’immobilier qui poursuivent des certifications de bâtiments écologiques.